Welcome to the Interim Secretariat
Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism (ISTRM)
Our aim is to facilitate a transparent, consultative and constructive environment for the establishment of an independent Commission for Truth, Unity and Reconciliation (CTUR), which can offer meaningful redress and closure to persons anywhere in Sri Lanka affected by the conflict that took place in the Northern and Eastern Provinces during the period 1983 to 2009, or its aftermath.
Why a Commission for
Unity and Reconciliation?



The effects of a conflict go beyond the physical destruction to life and property, leading to prolonged traumatic experiences of violation.

“... it is apparent that there is no single truth but instead a multiplicity of experiences of harm. As such, these submissions represent a powerful call for the [commission] to be a platform that bears witness to and acts upon the stories of all affected persons across all communities.” (Final Report of the Consultation Task Force for Reconciliation Mechanisms, 2016)

The Consultation Task Force (CTF) reported that a significant number of submissions by affected communities proposed a commission for truth-telling and truth-seeking as a critical part of the reconciliation process.